Macuprime – The Science

The science behind MacuPrime carotenoid supplements

MacuPrime® exists because we want you to make the most of today and keep doing the things you love in the future.

Our food supplement is made from simple ingredients found in nature, called carotenoids.
At South East Technology University, Ireland, an expert team of scientists discovered that three plant pigments found in fruit and vegetables, known as carotenoids, naturally gather in the eye.
The macula is responsible for our central high resolution, colour vision. The yellow layer made up of these carotenoids is called the macular pigment.

What is a carotenoid?

A carotenoid is a plant pigment found in rainbow fruit, green leafy vegetables and some fish.

These pigments are responsible for the bright red, yellow and orange colours in many fruits and vegetables. They are found in high concentrations in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli.

While there are more than 700 types of carotenoids present in nature, only three – Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin and Zeaxanthin – have been discovered in the macula at the back of the eye.

Our bodies can’t produce carotenoids so the only way to get them is through the foods we eat.

Did you know?

 You would need to eat 1.7 cups of kale, 11,904 whole trout and 1.8 cups of orange pepper every day, to get the equivalent amount of carotenoids in a MacuPrime® capsule.

What is the Macula?

The macula is a small, light-sensitive spot in the centre of the retina. It is responsible for almost 90% of our vision. The macula gives us all of our sharp detailed and coloured central vision that we rely on for activities such as driving, reading, writing and recognising faces. 

Macular Pigment – what is it and why is it so important?

The macular pigment gives the macula it’s yellow colour and is where the three carotenoids (Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin and Zeaxanthin) build up.

Daily Damage

Blue light comes through the front of your eye and lands at the back of the macula, creating oxidative stress that can break down your macula.

Powerful natural sunblock

The macula is vulnerable to this oxidative stress and is therefore easily damaged. That is why the macular pigment is so important.

This yellow pigment acts like a powerful natural sunblock, filtering light inside the eyes and protecting your retina from damage.

Risks as we get older

As we get older the macular pigment can also wear down and become thinner – similar to the way our skin wrinkles as it ages. This reduces the protection our macula and retina have from oxidative stress. This damage can lead to a condition known as Age-related Macular Degeneration.

Increasing your daily intake of carotenoids by eating a diet high in green leafy vegetables, eggs and fish will help to increase the density of your macular pigment.